Welcome to Susan's Anything goes Festive Birthday Bash Blog Hop to celebrate Susan E. Bermudez's birthday with anything goes to celebrate her birthday whether it be a card, favor, banner, or that something special. Hope you enjoy our hop while you check the following blogs as we celebrate Susan's birthday with our usual creativity and craftiness!!! So, please stop by and make sure to wish Susan a very Happy Birthday along with some bloggy love!!
Grand Prizes with Sponsors:
1. Karber Digital Images (http://www.karberdigital.com/) will offer blog candy to a random commenter of the blog hop :)
2. Jen's Digi Designs - $15 gift card for liking her Face Book page and commenting on Susan's page with a winner being chosen randomly :)
Also, please, be sure to stop by Staci McD's site (http://preciousmem.blogspot.com) as there will be a $20 gift card to Designs on Cloud 9 to one commenter on her blog.
Some of the blogs may be offering candy so be sure to leave your comments along the way and don't forget to give bloggy love!
We have divided this hop into two (2) days with different blogs foryou to visit each day. Make sure to visit all!
Day 1: September 3, 2011
1. Lynne: http://slasewcraftiness.blogspot.com/
2. Amber: http://pixiperfectcreations.blogspot.com/
3. Angie: http://atuttletime.blogspot.com/
4. Becky: http://squirlygirlcreations.blogspot.com/
5. Berenice: http://karbersweetescape.blogspot.com/
6. Brenda: http://createbyburffrau.blogspot.com/
7. Christel: http://onescrappinsista.blogspot.com/
8. Cindy: http://www.cindys-greencricut.blogspot.com/
9. Deborah: http://www.scrappingmamma.net/
10. Erin: http://comfyonmycloud.blogspot.com/
11. Gina: http://californiascrappin-gcinderella21.blogspot.com/
12. Kari: http://purplefuntastickcreations.blogspot.com/
13. Staci: http://preciousmem.blogspot.com/
Day Two: September 4, 2011
1. Susan: http://susanascorner.blogspot.com/
2. Amy: http://www.lovetocrop.com/
3. Darlene: http://twoscrappinlawyers.blogspot.com/
4. Faith: http://faithfulecreations.com/
5. Heather: http://blessed2cre8.blogspot.com/
6. Indira: http://craftyhomemade.blogspot.com/
7. Janet: http://ladyluvbug.blogspot.com/
8. Jearise: http://lorbysworld.blogspot.com/
9. Linda: http://www.lindascreativity.blogspot.com/
10. Lori: http://www.scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.com/
11. Maria: http://justgetscraphappy.blogspot.com/ (you just came from here)
12. Nicole: http://crashingcreatively.blogspot.com/ (Now here)
13. Theresa: http://www.thescrapbookingqueen.com/ <----Your next and LAST stop!
First of all, let me say WELCOME to this next to the last stop on my Bestie's Birthday Hop. To give you a little history, we started crafting together a year or so ago through our mutual friend, Julie. I am a scrapbooker and Julie is a stamper/card-maker. It was a perfect marriage of creative juices, because it inspired our friend Susie to take the leap. Fast forward a year, and it is Susan that is doing the inspiring in us with her creativity, kind-heart, loyal friendship, parental advice and weathering of teenage-storms, and for introducing me to the Blogisphere!
My project is a scrapbook page (as this is my preferred medium) dedicated to the special friendship I share with her. SO.... (I mentioned her loyalty and devotion as a true blue friend) while recovering from major boo-boos, she pitched in to help make our church's Vacation Bible School a success despite being short-staffed. With a smile on her face and a song in her heart, she diligently worked each day to make it a success. My boys both attended while I had to go to work, so the photos are of she and I one early VBS morning. She is donning her Panda ears (the VBS mascot) and smiling (as this is her way) despite the chaos and "Sheer Panda-monium! (Inside Joke since VBS was Panda-mania this year)...
I used Die Cuts with a View Mod-Retro Stack Papers (Glamorous PP) and plain card stock for the black and white. Add Me and My Big Idea "Soft Spoken" flower stickers, torn paper from a scrap book magazine ad, a Uni-ball Signo white pen and black fine point sharpie for the doodles, and VOILA!
Thanks for stopping by! Happy hopping and a very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of the greatest friends a gal could ask for- SUSAN!!!! I love you girlie! Feliz Cumpleanos!